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Globally incubate standards compliant channels before scalable benefits. Quickly disseminate superior deliverables whereas web-enabled applications.

Our vision is to emerge as one
of the most reputed healthcare
company in Global Pharma arena.

0484 – 2347777

Our List of Products

  • Neurovez
  • Neurovez GT
  • Neurovez Plus GT
  • Neurovez G 100
  • Neurovez PSR
  • Neurovez Plus Inj

  • Coxtev
  • Cinavert
  • Tolvez
  • Montevez
  • Ginkocetam Plus
  • Ginkocetam

  • Thiokool D Gel
  • Thiokool MR
  • Pantev
  • Pantev DSR
  • Alertev A

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